Social Workers’ Desk Reference (4th ed.)

By |2022-06-07T18:24:54+00:00April 10th, 2022|Event, News, Uncategorized|

Chapter Title: The Legacy of Racism for Social Work Practice Today and What To Do About It.

Book Title: Social Workers’ Desk Reference (4th ed.)

The Legacy of Racism for Social Work Practice Today and What To Do About It.

This chapter includes current evidence-supported information on a wide variety of topics related to working as a social worker. Over 200 diverse subject matter experts discuss current topics such as white nationalism, gaming disorder, substance abuse, LGBTQ+ populations, suicide, and sexual violence in the military.

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Black Maternal Health Week

By |2022-06-07T18:14:14+00:00April 1st, 2022|Featured, News|

Black Maternal Health Week  April 11-17, 2022

Health Equity Resources & Strategies (H.E.R.S.) are joining forces with @BlackMamasMatter (BMMA)

April 2022 marks the five year anniversary of Black Maternal Health Week, which will be held from April 11-17, 2022! In order to uplift Black women and their families, we at Health Equity Resources & Strategies (H.E.R.S.) are joining forces with @BlackMamasMatter (BMMA) to center Black women’s scholarship, maternity care work, and advocacy across the full-spectrum of sexual, maternal, and reproductive health care, services, programs, and initiatives. Join us today! Learn more at #BMHW22

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National Healthy Start Association Virtual Summit

By |2022-06-07T18:18:22+00:00December 1st, 2020|Event, News|

  • “The Impact of Gynecological Experimentation on Black Maternal Health Outcomes.” National Healthy Start Association Virtual Summit. (Virtual). December 2020. Save

The Impact of Gynecological Experimentation on Black Maternal Health Outcomes

 The Impact of Gynecological Experimentation on Black Maternal Health Outcomes

Brief Summary: Gynecological medical advancement is deeply rooted in the enslavement of Black women. As such, science has benefited from the physical, emotional, and psychological abuses committed against Black women’s bodies. Black women should be honored for their resistance, resilience, and bravery; instead, they carry the weight of generations of inequitable and racist medical practices. This presentation discusses the origins of gynecological medical experimentation and its impact on Black maternal health outcomes today.

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Health & Racial Equity in NICU Training

By |2022-06-07T18:20:59+00:00November 1st, 2020|Event, News|

“Solutions for Addressing Health Equity, Quality and Implicit Bias in the NICU.” Once Upon a Preemie Academy’s Health & Racial Equity in NCIU Training 2020. (Virtual). November 2020.

Solutions for Addressing Health Equity, Quality and Implicit Bias in the NICU

Strategies for Addressing Inequities and Bias in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)

This presentation focuses on how to develop systems of care that are equitable, respectful and culturally appropriate as a means to eliminating disparities in patient outcomes.
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Trauma and Mental Health Social Work with Urban Populations: African-Centered Clinical Interventions

By |2022-06-07T18:22:14+00:00October 10th, 2019|Event, News|

Exploring African-centered rites of passage programming as a protective factor

Chapter Title:  Exploring African-centered rites of passage programming as a protective factor.

Book Title: Trauma and Mental Health Social Work with Urban Populations: African-Centered Clinical Interventions

Addressing the social problems associated with trauma and mental health amongst African Americans in urban environments, this book uses an African-centered lens to critique the most common practice models and interventions currently employed by social workers in the field. This book will be key reading on any practice and direct service course at both BSW and MSW level and will be a useful supplement on clinical courses as well as those aimed at working with diverse populations and those living in urban environments.

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